There are new postal rates coming out in the UK in October and this has prompted me to revamp the P&P charges on the site. Due to past difficulties in managing stock, customers often could buy only one item at a time and ended up ordering multiple times. Acknowledging this I made my postal rates as low as I could, and as a result often ended up paying more for the stamp than I charged for P&P to the customer, but on balance it worked out OK.
Now that Don has sorted out the ordering system the dynamics of the orders I take have changed again. I am seeing Increasingly larger orders, I did increase the flat rate charge but this made it expensive for customers that only bought one item, and with the recent addition of axes to my stock list the larger orders can still be close to double the P&P charge I make
Again Don has been able to help with this- So taking into account the new postal charges we have been able to work out a new system, depending on where you are there is a base rate- which has been reduced in most cases- if you only order the smaller blades this is all you will pay. Heavier items such as Axes, Gouges and Twca cams may add to the this base rate to come up with the final postage figure. I am not going to put up the loading that each item has, not because it is secret ( you can look at the postage charge at checkout anytime and see what you would be charged) but because it is complicated, varies region to region and due to the odd hikes in charges at different weights it isn’t intuitive. However it looks like it will be a much more equitable system, and if it turns out not to be, I will tweak the figures again. My aim is to make and sell high quality tools, not make money from postage.